Monday, November 22, 2010

Ourselves Alone

This is an interesting comment I found
Sinn Fein do not offer an alternative in any meaningful sense, because, aside from a kind of Stalinist nationalism in which The Party is supreme, it does not have any particular political or economic opinions. Like Fianna Fail, it exists purely to win and hold power, and distribute patronage.

I'm from the north, and I have nothing but hollow laughter at how SF seeks to present itself as a party of the left in southern elections. Thi is pure nonsense. SF ministers in Stormont have introduced New Labour PFI privatisation into health and education and have voted for water charges. The "southern strategy" is to steal the clothes of the left, purely as a calculation to give it a southern identity and win seats in inner cities. It is utterly devoid of sincerity. SF in government would be indistinguishable from Fianna Fail.

As minister for health in the Belfast executive a few years ago, Sinn Fein's Bairbre de Brunn pushed through the biggest tranch of hospital closures in the history of the northern state. A few weeks later, she fronted a "save our hospitals" march in Dublin.

That's Sinn Fein.


Although I have been, and will remain a Sinn Fein voter , it'd be wrong to think of them as infaultable or perfect. Still, Caoimhín O'Caoláin sure is better to vote for than that fucking cheese-man potwalloper Brendan Smyth.

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